Tips on Dressing Your Age

As I near my, never mind what decade, I find it’s increasingly more difficult to not dress like a twenty-something or someone who is much older.  I can see some of you reading this and nodding your heads. It seems clothing designers, though not all, are bent on designing clothes that are on either end of the spectrum.

I asked my friend, Susan Dittrich, co-owner of POSH located in Tulsa, for some advice on dressing your age to pass along to all of you out there in cyberlandia.

Susan’s advice is that it’s important to be comfortable in our own skin.

We don’t want to dress like our daughters or our mothers. It’s great to find looks that are classic, timeless, and age appropriate. Add a few trendy pieces to spice up your look and you’re good to go! Just because we’re becoming more seasoned, it doesn’t mean we can’t have fun with colors and patterns. Susan’s personal thoughts are to invest in timeless pieces and buy trend items on sale.  Remember, there are great timeless looks at every price.