At Clary, we have students with incredible stories behind why they chose their career path. One of our outstanding barber students, Jon Love, shared with us why he decided to pursue a life in barbering.
How and when did you first become interested in barbering?
When I began to take a genuine interest in my hair, I started learning on my own head and began to notice I loved to cut and maintain a fresh cut.
What made you choose barbering as a career?
[Barbering was] something I could do that I have a passion for. [It] doesn’t feel like work when you love it.
What inspires you in your career?
My history [inspires me]. People’s assumptions that I cannot be a productive, law-abiding citizen motivates me to take a negative and turn it into a positive. I have a story that can inspire others in the field of barbering.
What are your plans for after graduation?
I plan to get a suite of some sort, an area specially for one barber. This spot will be used for several business ventures.
Jon has made such incredible progress in the time that he has been here, and his instructors have noticed his shine.
We love these stories, because they mean someone has found their calling at Clary Sage.