Clary Sage Fashion Students Are Chosen as Designer Finalist

By:  Jackie Brown

Tulsa is a rather tight-knit town and that’s just the way we like it.  Abelina’s Dress Boutique (located at The Farm at 51st and Sheridan) has created a wonderful contest to get Tulsa designing.  The contest required the entrants to first create a mood or theme board for their dress creation.  From those mood boards, the top 10 finalists would be selected and they would then create a dress (by any means desired – sewing, gluing, stapling, whatever!).  This dress will go down a runway show at MayFest and be judged by all of Tulsa.  There are cash prizes for the top three winners as well as all the glory and fame that comes along with winning!

Our students stepped up to the challenge!  We had 8 Fashion Design students enter the contest with some creative mood boards shown below.  Abelina’s reported to have gotten about 50 boards for this contest out of which they would select only 10 to continue to the next phase of the contest.  Clary Sage has some amazing talent and all 8 of our entrants were selected as finalist for the Abelina’s dress contest!  We are very proud of our Fashion Designers and look forward to updating you on their creations.  The odds are in our favor and surely one of our designers will be a winner!  Thank you, Abelina’s for this great contest and for inspiring our designers creativity.