Levels of Treatment for Aging Skin

Listed below is a three dimensional approach to skin treatment with three therapies available to choose from, depending on the clients needs.

“The best way to keep looking good and loving your skin is with a three dimensional skin rejuvenation treatment approach. A 3D skin rejuvenation treatment combines different clinical applications to attend to your skins every need. First, it increases collagen production then tightens saggy skin and improves skin texture and tone plus it continues to improve the skin even after the full duration of the treatment. Areas that are targeted by 3D skin rejuvenation are the “nasolabial” folds (lines that extend from the end of the nose to the end of the lips), wrinkles on cheeks, double chin, “marionette lines” (lines from the corners of the mouth to the jaw line) and crepe-like skin on the neck. The treatment is usually performed over three months however after every treatment session the skin looks better than before. The treatment can be performed on all skin types, but the skin care professional must adjust the treatment intensity to produce fresh, younger looking tissue and lasting results. The 3D combination skin therapy includes the following in classified levels:”

Type I Therapy – is directed at the epidermis (microdermabrasion/chemical peels/LED/IPL.

Type II Therapy – is directed at the dermis (radio frequency, laser/chemical peels/microcurrent).

Type III Therapy – Is surgical or injectable (cosmetic surgery, Botox, fillers).

Lynn Ross, L.M.E.
“Beautiful Skin at Any Age” Dermascope Feb 2011
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