Top 5 Teas and Their Benefits

Tea is a very healthy drink used widely in China and Japan. Before Europe even knew tea existed, China and the rest of the Asian continent were drinking it.  Most Asians believe that drinking the correct tea will bring you happiness, joy, good health and wisdom.  Many of those steeped in Western culture are unaware that tea is believed to affect and sometimes cure a lot of illnesses such as, heart disease diabetes and even cancer.  It is therefore quite important to drink the type of the tea that matches what you want to accomplish. Drinking tea is also an excellent way to assist in losing weight.

Listed below are a few teas and how they might help you:

Green Tea

Green tea has been a beneficial part of the Asian culture for thousands of years. Green tea is full of antioxidants that help destroy cancerous cells. It helps relieve stresses in the brain, ultimately calming the mind. This tea can reduce neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s and reduce the risk of stroke and improve cholesterol levels greatly.

Black Tea

Now black tea is a little different.  It’s made with fermented tea leaves. It has been in the Asian culture for about 2 thousand years.  It helps reduce the risk of lung cancer and the risk of having a stroke.

White Tea

It is believed that one of the reasons Asia has such a low cancer rate is due to the merits of this kind white tea.  Used for thousands of years; this tea is uncured and unfermented and greatly helps with destroying cancer and its malignant cells.

Oolong Tea

This has been used by the Chinese for generations.  It has a variety of different kinds of leaves and greatly reduces bad cholesterol. Wuyi is a kind of oolong that has been used as a weight loss supplement in China for thousands of years.  It is used in many forms of relaxation.

Pu-erh Tea 

This is a kind of fermented black tea that is pressed into small cakes or stacks of leaves.  It greatly helps reduce weight and burns fat that isn’t needed without an extra workout.  This tea has also been used for thousands of years in China and Japan to help reduce LDL cholesterol. This tea can be either black or red.

As you can see, tea has been used in Asia for various reasons and benefits for thousands of years. It has even begun to make its way into Western culture, especially related to massage.  Tea creates not only relaxation but offers many health benefits, just like massage.

What is your favorite tea?  Why?  We’d love to hear from you!

By: Zachary Hunter and Ross Ashcraft