Getting Stoned at Community Care College

By Sharon Truelove

Why receive a Hot Stone Massage? 

Why add it to your massage therapy skills?

The deep level of relaxation that can be obtained is phenomenal. The heat of the stones relaxes and unwinds the muscles, drawing out pain and alleviating discomfort.  It is very beneficial to both client and therapist. The client’s muscles soften, thus the therapist doesn’t have to work as hard.

Some of the added benefits are: circulation increases, allowing the body to rejuvenate, toxins are released; it helps relieve:  arthritis, anxiety, stress, back pain, fibromyalgia, depression, insomnia and problems related to blood circulation. Also, clients that have an aversion to cold benefit from hot stone massage.

So…if you’ve never received one, exactly what’s involved in a stone massage? Smooth, flat  stones are placed at specific places on the body. The massage therapist may use what are sometimes referred to as “gliders” to give a Swedish massage, while the placement stones are left to unwind muscle tension. Not only is the heat comforting, but many times the weight of the stones is absolutely delightful.

Cold stone massage also has it’s place in massage. Cold marble stones may be used in place of ice for inflammation….it’s not nearly as messy as melting ice and; contrast application (alternating applications of  cold and hot stones) may be used for a very powerful treatment.

See what you think of this video about cold stone massage below. I would love to hear your comments.

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