Author: David
Would you hire you?
September 30, 2010
Would you hire you? I love hypothetical situations, mainly because they are fiction, but more importantly because they cause you to stop and think. Let’s paint a picture of one potential …
A Quick Energy Boost!
September 24, 2010
By Laura Gordon Want a boost of energy that lasts, does not include caffeine or sugar, takes less that 5 minutes to perform, stimulates blood flow, detoxes your body, sooths frazzled …
Nail Technician Anyone?
September 20, 2010
The Nail Technology program at Clary Sage College will prepare you to work in a salon, spa, or medical clinic performing a variety of services: Manicures and Pedicures Gels Silk …
Trigger Traps
September 20, 2010
By Sharon Truelove Today, let's talk about "pain". You may try to locate the pain, and touch it, as an example, at the base of you skull, but...that's just not it. A lot of times, …
That smells amazing!?
September 7, 2010
By Ross Ashcraft Have you ever smelled something wonderful and then moments later recalled something you had not thought about in years? Maybe you walked down a hospital hallway and suddenly …
Are you hearing or listening?
September 1, 2010
By Mark Shannon All too often we get so wrapped up in our own personal lives that we fail to put other’s thoughts and feelings first. In our clinic I counsel …
Guide to Essential Oils
August 30, 2010
The ancients knew a thing or two. Along with inventing papyrus, eyeliner and the 365-day calendar, the Egyptians were the first known civilisation to have developed the use of essential …
Two Minute Stress Buster Vacation
August 27, 2010
Two Minute Stress Buster Vacation The simple technique I’m about to describe to you will help you take advantage of the mind-body connection by releasing stress and improving your overall health …
August 25, 2010
Do you know what is in your facial products? Or even what ingredients are good for your skin? First, ingredients are listed in the order of concentration. So look for the …