My Hips are Horrible

By Krystal Willis and Ross Ashcraft

Ever have problems with your hips? Do they ache?  Do you need to walk around after sitting for long periods of time? Is your low back consistently sore?  These pains can be cause by tight hip and gluteal muscles.  These muscles can causes shooting pain, numbness, sore hips, and even mask as sciatic syndrome.  Pain in this area can also be caused by arthritis.  If you suspect arthritis then consult your doctor.

Below are a few things that you can do to help relieve the pain and figure out what is causing it.  The first set of stretches will address the main muscle of discomfort in your hips.  The second set will make sure the muscle that support the hips don’t sneak in and ruin the good work accomplished in the first set.  I recommend you doing these stretches right before bed.


Stretching the Gluts and Outer Thighs

When:  Before you go to bed

On the Floor:

a)  One leg in front of you bent at the knee and the other leg stretched straight out behind you.  b)  Bend over the leg that is in front of you. You may not be able to bend very far, but continue

OR Using your Bed: 
to bend until you can feel your hips loosen. c)  Hold for at least 30 seconds. d)  Briefly straighten back up. e)  Repeat.  Each time you do that you will be able to bend a little farther.

a)  Place one knee on the bed and the other leg extended behind you, stretching it until you feel your hip stretching. b)  Bend over the leg that is in front of you. You may not be able to bend very far, but continue to bend until you can feel your hips loosen. c)  Hold for at least 30 seconds. d)  Briefly straighten back up. e)  Repeat.  Each time you do that you will be able to bend a little farther.

Stretching the Groin and Inner Thighs

When:  before you go to bed

Sitting on the Floor:

a)  Sit on the floor with your legs bent and the soles of your feet touching. b)  Bring your legs as close to your body as you can. c)  Place your hands on your knees and press down.   d)  Hold for at least 30 seconds and allow those muscles to release. e)  If necessary you can do one leg at a time or both. Each time that you do this you will be able to push your legs down a little farther.

Once your hips have stretched you should feel a lot better. These stretches are easy to do and you can do pretty much anywhere.

Please attempt these stretches and let us know what you think.



