Tendinitis: Pain in the Knee

By Rosallia Perry

After a nice brisk walk or a long days work, have you ever realized that your knees or hips have become inflamed?  Even playing a round of tennis or a fun game of basketball, your elbows become inflamed? Well this is the cause, tendinitis. I will give you a quick rundown of information in regards to tendinitis. This injury can be successfully treated with patience, diligence, and even massage.

Tendinitis is the inflammation (swelling) of a tendon. A tendon is a type of tissue that is connected to bone. The symptoms of tendinitis are: Heat and swelling, referred pain, burning and/or sharp pain.

Causes of tendinitis:

1.  Repetitive motion or overuse,

2.  Tendon/muscle weakness,

3.  Poor posture or body mechanics

4.  Sprain or Strains

Symptoms of Tendinitis:

1.   Pain after activity

2.  Painful at the beginning, goes away during, and then returns after activity

3.  Painful that inhibits activity

4.  Painful with all activity and is appears to be getting worse


1.   Ice after activity

2.  Rest and elevation of body part

3.  Painless stretching

4.  Strengthening exercises

5.  Massage:  Deep friction can help with tendinitis by stimulating collagen production in the damaged fibers. Massage helps to break up the scar tissue and is key to healing tendinitis. Massage is very beneficial. Compression, splinting, and elevation are the first lines of treatment.


I have found one of the most beneficial treatment in massage for this is condition is Deep Transverse Friction Massage.  Below you’ll see the steps taken from AlternativeMD.com

“The fingers use short, abrupt, sweeping back-and-forth motions to move the skin but not sliding over it. The goal of transverse massage is to move across a ligament or tendon to mobilize it as much as possible. Transverse massage, if performed before active exercise, can help reduce the pain associated with tendinitis and restore mobility. I hope this was helpful for you as it was for me. Maybe now, we can get back to the activities that bring us joy.”

Cautions and Considerations:

1.  Massage should not be given during the acute stages of a tendinitis injury, which is usually the first 48 hours.

2.  Massage is should not be performed when tissues are swollen, or visibly inflamed.


Try the treatment mentioned above in the technique section.  Let us know what you think.


“Can Massage Help Heal Tendinitis? | PJ Harris’ Massage Blog.” PJ Harris’ Massage Blog | Learn about Massage and Other Related Health Issues. Web. 13 Feb. 2012. http://pjharrislmp.wordpress.com/2009/06/17/can-massage-help-heal-tendonitis/

Online Article http://www.altmd.com/Articles/Massage-for-Tendinitis


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